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1200 华盛顿大街314
波士顿,马塞诸塞州 02118
邮箱: brypaint@aol.com
电话: 13521896413(中国)/ 617 480 1799(波士顿)


1983 麻州设计学院 麻州波士顿
1976 埃德娜•曼利影视艺术学院 牙买加 金斯敦
(Edna Manley College of the Visual and Performing Arts)

1993– 至今 麻塞诸塞州大学,绘画专业教授 麻州达特茅斯 法国蓬阿旺艺术学院(The Pont-Aven School of Art) 法国布列塔尼
1991 - 1994 波士顿艺术博物馆附设学院 ,副研究员 麻州波士顿
1991 - 1993 波士顿塔夫茨大学,素描培训课程讲师 麻州波士顿
1987 - 1991 圣十字学院,油画专业助理教授 麻州沃尔瑟姆,
1985 – 1987 安德鲁大学,油画雕塑专业助理教授 密歇根州柏里恩斯普陵
1981 - 1993 麻州设计学院,兼职研究员 麻州波士顿
1980 -至今 美国东北大学,艺术课驻校非裔美人教师 麻州波士顿
1980 - 1981 埃尔玛•露易斯艺术学校(Elma Lewis School of Fine Arts),讲师 麻州波士顿
1977 - 1979 埃德娜•曼利影视艺术学院,兼职培训讲师 牙买加 金斯敦

2008 波士顿艺术学院——莱斯利大学 麻州波士顿
2007 书虫(The Book Worm) 中国北京
2001 加纳库马西大学(The University of Kumai) 西非加纳国
2000 法国蓬阿旺艺术学院,驻校艺术家 法国
1997 哈佛大学医学院 麻州剑桥
麻州设计学院 麻州波士顿
玫瑰美术馆, "非裔美人视角"演讲 麻州沃尔瑟姆
波士顿非裔美人国家艺术中心博物馆(NCAAA) 麻州波士顿
1991 美国当代艺术研究中心 (ICA), 麻州波士顿
1990 巴西比伊亚联邦大学, 艺术系 巴西萨尔瓦多
卡尼萨雷斯画廊(Canizares Gallery) 巴西巴伊亚
1989 麻州设计学院,绘画研究生院 麻州波士顿
1989 阿德鲁大学,艺术系 密歇根州柏里恩斯普陵
伍斯特美术馆(Worcester Art Museum) 麻州伍斯特
达拉斯公共图书馆 德克萨斯州达拉斯
1987 波士顿美术馆 麻州波士顿
埃德娜 曼利影视艺术学院 牙买加 金斯敦
美国国家记者俱乐部 华盛顿特区
1986 美国当代艺术研究中心 (ICA) 麻州波士顿
1984 波士顿美术馆,演讲 —— "艺术经历" 麻州波士顿


2009 纳迦画廊 (The Gallery Naga), 布莱恩•马克法兰的“待售之爱” 麻州波士顿
2008 渡那国际艺术中心 “圆的旅行” 中国北京
2004 纳迦画廊 ‘蛋系列’ 麻州波士顿
1997 剑桥多文化艺术中心 麻州剑桥 1997 新互生画廊 牙买加 金斯敦
1995 布兰达泰勒画廊(The Brenda Taylor Gallery) 纽约
1994 伊斯贝尔尼尔画廊(The Isobel Neal Gallery) 伊利诺州芝加哥
1992 波士顿非裔美人国家艺术中心博物馆(NCAAA) 麻州波士顿
"布莱恩•马克法兰巴西作品 "
1990 卡尼萨雷斯画廊 巴西巴伊亚
温德尔街画廊(The Wendell Street Gallery) 麻州剑桥
1987 英联邦学院 英国伦敦
芝加哥杜萨布尔博物馆(DuSable Museum); " 伊利诺斯州芝加哥
L.T.V.大厦 德克萨斯州达拉斯
萧伯格黑人文化研究中心 纽约
1984 波士顿非裔美人国家艺术中心博物馆(NCAAA) 麻州波士顿
1983 哈佛大学,拉蒙特画廊 麻州剑桥
太平洋联合大学拉斯姆森画廊(Rasmussen Gallery) 加州安格温
洛玛连达大学画廊 近期作品; 加州洛玛连达

2008 纳尔逊曼德拉中心 德国柏林
2005 华盛顿美洲艺术博物馆 新土地(“New Possessions”) 华盛顿特区
2004 普罗默艺术画廊 (Promo Arte Gallery) 日本东京
2003 斯克多画廊(Skoto Gallery) 纽约
2000 乔斯林美术馆 (The Joslyn Art Museum) 内布拉斯加州
"逼近"("Soon Come")牙买加当代艺术展
内布拉斯加州立美术馆(Museum of Nebraska Art) 内布拉斯加州科尼
"逼近" 牙买加当代艺术展
布兰达泰勒画廊 纽约
1998 乔治・亚当斯画廊(The George Adams Gallery) “手”展 纽约
马丁•路德•金艺术集 “四个油画家”展 俄亥俄州哥伦布
1995 新互生画廊,牙买加当代艺术展 英国伦敦
法国蓬阿旺艺术学院夏季教师作品展 法国布列塔尼
1994 牙买加国家画廊 牙买加 金斯敦
1993 玫瑰美术馆 非裔美人视角 麻州沃尔瑟姆
波士顿非裔美人国家艺术中心博物馆(NCAAA) 麻州波士顿
1992 帕里斯画廊(The Parish Gallery) 华盛顿特区
1991 美国当代艺术研究中心 (ICA) 麻州波士顿
1989 日本美国艺术研究中心 日本东京
美国威斯康星大学博物馆 威斯康星州麦迪逊
1987 波士顿美术馆 麻州波士顿
佐拉•利伯曼画廊(Zolla Lieberman Gallery) 伊利诺州芝加哥
圣十字学院肯特艺术中心(Cantor Art Center) 麻州伍斯特
1986 当代艺术研究中心 (ICA) 麻州波士顿 "今日波士顿"
1985 美国联邦储备银行画廊 麻州波士顿
1984 麻州丹佛斯美术馆 麻州布洛克顿
纽约斯坎那答第博物馆 纽约
波士顿大学画廊 麻州波士顿

法国、牙买加、英国、美国(国家收藏)、加纳、 巴西、西班牙、德国、苏格兰等欧洲诸国

2005 沃尔夫•卡恩和艾米莉基金 纽约
2004 胡安•米歇尔基金会(Joan Michelle Foundation)提名奖     纽约
1988 福特学士研究奖学金 福特基金会
飞利浦莫里斯(Philip Morris) (美国米勒啤酒公司Miller Brewing Company)
1984 新英格兰艺术基金(又称艺术家基金) 麻州波士顿

2009 波士顿环球报 “待售的爱” 个展评论
2006 波士顿环球报 “黑夜是恰好时机” 卡特•马奎德(Cate McQuaid)
1999 波士顿先驱报(The Boston Herald ) 星期三,2月29. P 60-63 "关注另一项奖"
1997 《美国艺术》杂志(Art in America) 5月刊, P20,乔治•亚当斯画廊 “手”展
哥伦布报(The Columbus Dispatch) 6月29 评论《号召探寻真理的力量》 (Power of the Figure Evoked to Reveal Truth"),卡亚 凯宁格(Kay Koeninger)
1995 《美国艺术》杂志 5月, P32, 近期画作
《法国友人》(Quest for France) 7月,《启蒙艺术》("Initiation Artistique"),法国
法国《摄影》杂志(Magazine Du Camescope)P30-37 巴黎,法国
倡导者(The Advocate) “跨文化艺术”(Arts Across Cultural Lines)
牙买加平民百姓 (Plain Citizen)"聚焦非洲"
1994 《新艺术评论》杂志(The New Art Examiner) “土耳其印象”,芝加哥,伊尼诺伊州
1993 牙买加纪录 5月2日,安德鲁•霍普(Andrew Hope)年终评论
焦点– 加勒比周报 6月1日,个展评论 《精粹》("Out of Many")
1992 《黑色杂志》国际版 10月/11月刊《加勒比画家调查》 ("Survey of Caribbean Painters") 巴黎,法国
华盛顿邮报 米切尔(Michael Welzenbach).
1990 波士顿全球报 个展评论,克里斯汀•特明(Christine Temin).
巴伊亚记者 采访及评论:Os ases da midia negra",萨尔瓦多,巴西
1989 《新英格兰艺术》杂志 个展评论,麦乐迪斯•费夫•德(Meredith Fyfe Day)
1988 波士顿全球报 麻州设计学院,克里斯汀•特明
《密尔沃基日报》. 2篇文章发表
俄勒冈州报 2篇文章(图文并茂)
1987 《休闲周刊》 安娜斯旺森画廊(Anna Swanson Gallery)个展采访评论 ,克莱克(C.W. Clark)。新罕布什尔
波士顿先驱报 评论,南希 斯塔本(Nancy Stapen)
芝加哥太阳报 "杜萨贝尔博物馆杰出黑人记者展(DuSable Museum Show Honours Black Trailblazers")
美国日报新闻出版协会 专栏
公报 华盛顿特区专栏“12 位黑人大记者”
波士顿先驱报 《波士顿美术馆的麻州艺术大师》,南希 斯塔本
The Capitol Spotlight 伦达麦肯尼(Rhonda McKinney)
华盛顿时报 "杰出黑人记者"
数据新闻周刊(Data News Weekly)新奥尔良,路易斯安那州
沃尔瑟姆公报 专栏(图文并茂)
波士顿全球报 克里斯汀•特明,当代艺术研究中心

2008 《金字塔和卵的坐标轴,一个圆的旅行1》48页,渡那国际艺术中心 撰稿人:巴利•盖瑟(Barry Gaither),波士顿非裔美人美术馆馆长,波士顿美术馆副馆长/吴东东,北京渡那国际艺术中心总监/ 韦恩•麦库克(Wayne McCook)前牙买加驻中国大使馆大使。
1996 《浴室、心灵、光》14页手册:新互生画廊画展开幕辞。作者: 大卫•勃克喜博士(Dr.David Boxer,牙买加国家画廊董事);埃德蒙•巴利•盖瑟(Edmund Barry Gaither,,波士顿美术馆及非裔美人美术馆馆长)
1996 尼马斯科特画廊“布莱恩•马克法兰 土耳其、西班牙、法国、巴西旅作”展, 8页手册(含6页画册)。作者:埃德蒙•巴利•盖瑟(波士顿美术馆及非裔美人美术馆馆长)
1993 玫瑰美术馆“非裔美人视角”波士顿路易斯佛斯特艺术展(The Lois Foster Exhibition of Boston Area Artists)。卡尔贝兹(Carl Belz,玫瑰美术馆馆长);弗兰辛法(Francine Farr,玫瑰美术馆副馆长);.
1988 《凝练的时光》12页手册7页画册– 北厅画廊 ,麻州设计学院,波士顿,麻塞诸塞州
1988 年度当代艺术展,波士顿美国非裔艺术大师博物馆、当代艺术中心,画册。波士顿,麻塞诸塞州
1987 《1987记事录》(The 1987 Calendar)12 页画册,米勒啤酒公司
1986 纽约州斯坎那答第博物馆(Schenectady Museum)目录
1986 《今日波士顿》 – 当代艺术研究中心,波士顿,麻塞诸塞州
1986 《杰出画廊》 -飞利浦莫里斯, 纽约:米勒啤酒公司, 12 个黑人大记者,《过去与现在》,密尔沃基,威斯康辛州
1983 《80年代社会焦点》,波士顿大学,波士顿,麻塞诸塞州
1983 波士顿银行收藏


Bryan McFarlane
200 Washington Street# 314
Boston, Massachusettes 02118
Email: brypaint@aol.com
Phone: 13521896413(china)/ 617 480 1799(Boston)
Massachusetts College of Art                                      Boston, MA
MFA - Honors (Painting), BFA -Honors (Painting)
Edna Manley College of the Visual and Performing Arts
Diploma -Distinction                                           Kingston, Jamaica

1993 –                  Present University of Massachusetts, Dartmouth                       Dartmouth, MA
Prof. of Painting and Drawing          The Pont- Aven School of Contemporary Art      Brittany, France
1991 - 1994      School of the Museum of Fine Arts; Associate Faculty                      Boston, MA
1991 - 1993         Tufts University Drawing Program; Instructor, Drawing                    Boston, MA
1987 - 1991         College of the Holy Cross; Assistant Professor, Painting                            Worcester, MA
1985 - 1987         Andrews University; Assistant Professor, Painting                                Barrien Springs. MI
1981 - 1993         Massachusetts College of Art Part-time faculty                                          Boston, MA
1980 - Present    Northeastern University; African American                                   Boston, MA
Master Artists-in-Residency Program Division of Fine Arts
1980 - 1981        Elma Lewis School of Fine Arts; Instructor                                            Boston, MA
1977 - 1979        Edna Manley College of the Visual and Performing Arts                 Kingston,Jamaica

2008                     Art Institute of Boston -Lesley University                                             Boston, MA
2007                    The Book Worm                                                                             Beijing, China
2001            The University of Kumasi                                                             Ghana,  W.Africa 
2000            Pont- Aven School of Art; Artist in Residency                         Pont AvenFrance
1997            Harvard University Medical Schools                                         Cambridge, MA       
Massachusetts College of Art                                            Boston, MA                                           
Lecture/workshop on "African-American Perspective"
Rose Art Museum; Lecture on "African-American Perspective’
The Museum of the National Center of African American Artists      Boston, MA
1991                                         The Institute of Contemporary Art (ICA)                     
1990            Federal University of Bahia, Art Department Salvador,            Bahia, Brazil
Canizares Gallery                                                                Bahia, Brazil
1989             Massachusetts College of Art; Graduate School of Painting                  Boston, MA
1989                   Andrews University, Art Department                                                    BarreinSprings,MI,              
Worcester Art  Museum                                                                      Worcester, MA
Dallas Fort Worth Main Public Library                                              Dallas, TX
1987            The Museum of Fine Arts                                                                  Boston, MA
Edna Manley College of the Visual and Performing Arts                       Kingston,Jamaica   
The National Press Club                                               Washington, DC
1986                   The Institute of Contemporary Art (ICA)                             Boston, MA                      
1984                   The Museum of Fine Arts         ; Lecture - "Art as Experience"                     Boston, MA

               Selected Solo Exhibitions
2009            The Gallery Naga, Bryan McFarlane’s “Love for Sale”                  Boston, MA
2008                     Ferry International Art Gallery “Circular Journey”                              Beijing, China
2004            The Gallery Naga  ‘Egg Series’                                                      Boston, MA
1997                   The Cambridge Multicultural Arts Center                                 Cambridge, MA
1997                   The New Mutual Life Gallery                                        Kingston,Jamaica
1995            Brenda Taylor Gallery                                                                           New York, NYC
1994            The Isobel Neal Gallery; Recent paintings and drawings from Turkey      Chicago, IL

1992            The Museum of the National Center of Afro-American Art               Boston, MA
"Bryan McFarlane Brazilian Works" 

1990              Canizares Gallery                                                                    Brazil Brazil
The Wendell Street Gallery                                                                  Cambridge, MA
Commonwealth Institute                                                               London, England    
DuSable Museum;                                                     Chicago, IL
L.T.V. Building;                                                                                          Dallas, TX
Schomburg Center for  Research in Black Culture                      New York, NY
1984                       The Museum of the National Center of Afro-American Art              Boston, MA       
1983            Harvard University, Lamont Gallery                                    Cambridge, MA

              Selected group Shows:

               2008                     Mandela Center                                                                                        Berlin,Germany
               2005                     Museum of the Americas “New Possessions” Washington, DC.
2004                      Promo Arte Gallery                                                                               Tokyo, Japan
2003            Skoto  Gallery                                                                         New  York, NYC
2000            The Joslyn Art Museum                                                                    Nebraska
"Soon Come", Contemporary Jamaican Art
Museum of Nebraska Art                                               Kearny, NE
"Soon Come" Contemporary Jamaican Art
The Brenda Taylor Gallery                                  
1998                        The George Adams Gallery; “A Show of Hands”                        New York, NYC
The Martin Luther King Arts Complex                                Columbus, Ohio
1995            Mutual Life Gallery; Contemporary Jamaican Art                     London, England
The Pont-Aven School Faculty Show                                  Brittany, France
1994              The National Gallery of Jamaica                                        Kingston,Jamaica
1993                     The Rose Art Museum African American Perspectives ,                   Waltham, MA
The Museum of the National Center of African American Artists   Boston, MA.
1992                       The Parish Gallery                                                      Washington, DC.
1991                   The Institute of Contemporary Art (ICA)                             Boston, MA
1989            Japan Institute of American Art                                            Tokyo, Japan
University of Wisconsin, University Museum                         Madison, WI

  1.   Brockton Art Museum (Fuller Art Museum)            

                            Museum of Fine  Arts Boston                                         Boston, MA
Zolla Lieberman Gallery                                                   Chicago, IL
1986                   Institute of Contemporary Art (ICA)  "Boston Now"                          Boston, MA                
1985            Federal Reserve Bank Gallery                                               Boston, MA
1984            Danforth Art Museum                                                          Framingham,MA.
Schenectady Museum                                                   New York, NY
Boston University Art Gallery                                                        Boston,MA.
  Harvard University Science Center                                                          Cambridge, MA


  1.  France, Jamaica, England, USA(National), Ghana, Brazil, Spain, Germany, Scotland, various European countries

2005                     Wolf Khan and Emily Foundation  Grant                                             New York City
2004            Nominated for Joan Michelle Foundation Award                    New York City
1988              Bachelor Ford Faculty Fellowship    Ford Foundation (College of The Holy Cross)                            
Philip Morris (Miller Brewing Company) NYC - 12 paintings            New York City
             1984                  New England foundation for the Arts( Artist Foundation)                Boston, MA.




2009                     The Boston Globe                          “Love for Sale”        Solo Exhibition Review
2006                    The Boston Globe                           “The night time is the right time” Cate McQuaid
1999            The Boston Herald                           Wed., Feb. 29. Page 60-63 "Eyes on Another Prize"
1997            Art in America Magazine                Listing May Issue, Page 20  "Show of Hands" at the                     
George Adams Gallery NYC.
The Columbus Dispatch  June 29   "Power of Figure Evoked to Reveal Truth"          
Review with Photo by Kay Koeninger
1995            Art in America Magazine          May, Page 32, full page, Recent painting
        "Quest for France" Journal             July issue, Brittany."Initiation Artistique"France                                           .                                          Magazine Du Camescope ,               Pages 30-37  Paris, France
The Advocate                                    "Arts Across Cultural Lines”
The Chronicle                                   ’12 Black Journalists’
The Jamaica Plain Citizen       "Eyes on Africa."
1994            The New Art Examiner Magazine   "Turkish Images” Chicago ,IL
1993            Jamaica Record   May 2, Year End Review by Andrew Hope
Spotlight - Caribbean Week       June 1. Review “Out of Many" Front Page.       
1992                    "Revue Noire" International    Oct. "Survey of Caribbean P."  Paris, France
The Washington Post                        Michael  Welzenbach. 
1990            The Boston Globe                Christine Temin, solo show review.
Jornal da Bahia         :Salvador, Brazil:  Artes Plasticas "Os ases da midia negra"
(Critique and Interview).
1989                  Art New England Magazine         Review solo show by Mary Fife Day.
1988            The Boston Globe                              Massachusetts  College of Art: by Christine Temin
Milwaukee Journal                          two publications
Oregonian                             two publications, photo story
1987                       Leisure Weekly                            Interview and review by C.W. Clark. 
The Boston Herald                      Review by Nancy Stapen. 
The Chicago Sun Times "                 DuSable Museum ShowHonoursBlackTrailblazers"
The Journal of American  Newspaper Publishers Association – Feature.        
Gazette Newspaper12 Paintings of black Journalist featured Wash.DC
The Boston Herald  "Massachusetts Masters' at Museum of Arts:by Nancy Stapen.                                                                       .                                          Photo of my painting featured on Charlene Hunter Gault
                                           The  Columbus Times                        Columbus ,Ohio
                                           The Capitol Spotlight                      Rhonda McKinney
The Washington Times                    "honoring black journalist"
Data News Weekly                New Orleans, LA 
               Dallas ForthWorth Texas Magazine Featured review . photo. 
The Boston Globe Institute of Contemporary Art by Christine    Tamin.

2008                    Pyramids and ‘Egg Axix’ A Circular Journey 1.  48 page catalog. Solo Exhibition- Ferry Center.
Text by: Barry Gaither; Director of Museum of The National Center of African American Artists, Boston; Adjunct curator- Museum of Fine Arts, Boston/Wu Dong Dong; Director of Ferry Art Center-Beijing. Wayne McCook, Former Jamaican Ambassador to The Peoples Republic of China.

1996                   "Bath, Interiors, Light" 14-page booklet. Inaugural Opening of the New Mutual Life Gallery. Text by Dr. David Boxer, Director, National Gallery of Jamaica, Jamaica, West Indies and Edmund Barry Gaither, Museum of Fine Arts and Director of the Museum of African American Art, Boston, MA
1996                       "Works Inspired by Turkey, Spain, France and Brazil"  Eight-page booklet with six color reproductions and essay by Curator Edmund Barry Gaither, Museum of Fine Arts, Boston and Director of the Museum of African American Artists.
1993                       The Rose Art Museum: "African American Perspectives."  The Lois Foster Exhibition of Boston Area Artists.  Essay by Associate Curator, Francine Farr; Carl Belz, Rose Art Museum Director.
1988                       "Fragments of Time" - North Hall Gallery, Massachusetts College of Art. 12-page book and seven     color plates.  Boston, MA
1988                       Museum of Fine Arts - Afro-American Masters, Contemporary Art Center, Annual Show of Contemporary Artists.  Color reproductions.  Boston, MA
1987                  The 1987 Calendar, Miller Brewing Company.  12 color reproductions
1986            The Schenectady Museum Catalog
1986                   "Boston Now" - Institute of Contemporary Art, Boston, MA
1986                       "Gallery of Greats" - Phillip Morris, New York: Miller Brewing Company, 12 Major Black Journalists, Then and Now.  Milwaukee, WI
1983            "Social Concerns of the Eighties" - Boston University, Boston, MA
1983                   Bank of America Collection (formerly bank of Boston)

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