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Spiritual "Image" in the Translation of Emotion—On Bryan(2)

时间:2010-06-14 15:27 来源:上上美术馆 TAG标签: Bryan McFarl 点击:
he artist expresses a very contradictory attitude by this theme. On one hand, he is optimistic and cheerful, while on the other hand, he thinks the development is "full of pressure" and "broken". This complicated feelings are inferences by the colors expressed in his works: sometimes it's bright blue or pink, but sometimes it's black as always with a persistent presence.
In his recent works, he continues with the motif of balls, and even with further development. The cannon balls are still in his works like “Cannons Already There”. Pyramids are still in the works like Big Pyramid with Ladder, Green Pyramid, and Warm Pyramid, bike is still employed in the ‘Death of Bicycles’. At the same time, he introduces a new merit "heart" to his Inside the Heart of Apple, Miscarriage and Rebirth
In works of this period, an important change in his work is that:  he take’s images and utilize internal organs and human beings as metaphors. Most of the time, they are female. For Bryan McFarlane, the female image expresses the earth, fertility, generation, and breeding, as well as a consequence of what happens throughout the development of history. Woman beneath all this complex history, is the source of real continuity. The artist is trying to questions and analyze history; expressing his endless worries of the future. But the style of expression is more about freedom, unrestrained wealth of languages, diversity and poetry.
In traditional Chinese literary theories, ‘imagery’ is the artist's sustenance, subjective emotion depicted by external objects, which means the relationship of "emotion" and "scenery", "spirits" and "material", "God" and "physical world". The intimate relationship between spirit and physical world is evident profoundly in Liu Xie's "God and the Physical World", Xie Zhen's "Landscape is Poetry's Media", Wang Fu-Chih's "Touched by Scenery and Inspired by Scenery" or Wang Guowei's "All the language of scenery is language of spirit." can easily reach the heart of the "meaning" and external "as" the relationship between the shadowing.
In Western literary theories, comments on "image" are similar with the theories in China. Aristotle believes that without the association of soul pictures (image) there would be no thought. Sartre pointed out: Image activities targets scene or object does not exist or at presence, in this process, a physical or psychological connotation similar to the image is used. While T. S. Eliot, the master of modern British and American poetry, in appreciating Shakespeare's "Hamlet", said: "The only way to express the feeling, is to find ' the image’ of the feelings ' which can be a group of images, a context, or a series of events, expressing the feelings of a particular way. In this case, the presence of the external objects resorted to sensory experience reminds us about the particular feelings immediately.
From a series of developed and changed "circle" of cannon balls, eggs, bikes, and then hearts, the track of Bryan McFarlane's creation and consideration is evident. He expresses his specific feelings through abstract images and associates the works with spirit. He has translated the cannon balls in-depth- rooted in his memory and full of his mixed feelings embedded into various meanings of egg concepts, wheels, and hearts. These symbolic spiritual icons continuously erupt and explore the theme of his creation - the consideration of the independent post colonial (national) civilizations and their rebuilding, and even of more importance, his concern is about the ultimate care of humans, contrary to the slaughter and wars, aggression and occupation; rebuilding peace, and eradicating grief, trauma and the tragic repetition of history. It is a sought-after artistic dream, ultimate concern for the fate of mankind, or a sense of responsibility and mission, and the ultimate goal of art as an artist.
Wang is an Independent Curator and (Former Acting Director/Editor in Chief )
关于 Bryan McFarl 相关的文章
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